I would like to send a file from the hosting to the registered user with the confirmation email as an attachment.
My email sender class accepts Message model that contains public IFormFileCollection Attachments { get; set; }
My issue: I can not read the file from hosting and convert it to IFormFile.
This is a chunk of my code:
var pathToEmailAttachment = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath
+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()
+ "pdf"
+ Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()
+ "MyFile.pdf";
IFormFile file;
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(pathToEmailAttachment))
file = new FormFile(stream, 0, stream.Length, null, Path.GetFileName(stream.Name));
var message = new Message(new string[] { user.Email }, messageSubject, emailMessage, new FormFileCollection() { file });
await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(message);
Message Model:
public class Message
public List<MailboxAddress> To { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public IFormFileCollection Attachments { get; set; }
public Message()
public Message(IEnumerable<string> to, string subject, string content, IFormFileCollection attachments)
To = new List<MailboxAddress>();
To.AddRange(to.Select(x => new MailboxAddress(x, x)));
Subject = subject;
Content = content;
Attachments = attachments;
Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
There might be 2 problems, incorrect FormFile
instantiation and early closing of file stream. So you can try to fix FormFile
creation with help of this answer and extend using
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(pathToEmailAttachment))
file = new FormFile(stream, 0, stream.Length, null, Path.GetFileName(stream.Name))
Headers = new HeaderDictionary(),
ContentType = "you content type"
var message = new Message(new string[] { user.Email }, messageSubject, emailMessage, new FormFileCollection() { file });
await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(message);