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In WebGPU, can you reuse the same render pass in multiple frames?

In WebGPU you can create a render pass by defining its descriptor:

const renderPassDesc: GPURenderPassDescriptor = {
  colorAttachments: [
      view: context.getCurrentTexture().createView(),
      loadValue: [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1],
      storeOp: "store"

And then run it through the command encoder and start recording.

const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDesc);

So, essentially, it appears that you need the current texture to start recording (i.e. without calling context.getCurrentTexture().createView() you can't create the descriptor and without it you can't start the recording). But the API seems to suggest that the texture can change every frame (note that this used to be the case even months ago, when the API was different and you would be retrieving the texture from the swap chain). So, basically, it appears that you can't reuse render passes across different frames (unless of course you don't render to the swap chain, and target an offscreen texture instead).

So, the question is. In WebGPU, can you reuse the same render pass in multiple frames?

Comparison with Vulkan

My question stems from the (little) exposure I had to Vulkan. In Vulkan, you can reuse recorded resources because there is a way to know upfront how many VKImage objects are in the swap chain; they are going to have 0-based indices such as 0, 1 and 2. I can't remember the exact syntax, but I remember that basically you can record 3 separate command buffers, one per VKImage and reuse them across frames. All you have to do is query in the render loop the index of the current VKImage and retrieve the corresponding recorded command buffer.


  • By seeing the specification about the getCurrentTexture it seems that there is no control over the number of "swap" textures, at this time.

    The texture is created (if it is null or it is destroyed) in the "allocate a new context texture" step, as the note there states that:

    If a previously presented texture from context matches the required criteria, its GPU memory may be re-used.

    Each time on the "update the rendering [of the] Document" step, if the current texture is not null and its not destroyed then it will be presented, destroyed, and set to null.

    Another note from the specs:

    Developers can expect that the same GPUTexture object will be returned by every call to getCurrentTexture() made within the same frame (i.e. between invocations of Update the rendering) unless configure() is called.

    All of this seems to point that you have to get the current texture for each frame and create all related other objects as well.