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Meld does not allow me to edit files in left and right panels

I used Meld as a megetool for a couple of years and everything was fine. To complete a conflict resolution I had to make all three panels content identical.

I was able to edit ALL THREE panels and eventually I end up with some solution.

After moving to another laptop and reinstalling the Meld I'm no longer able to edit left and right panel. They are read only. I can only edit a central one and put code pieces into it.

Am I missing some configuration? It is a version change?

Thank you.


  • After some shenanigans my meld is back to normal. If anyone hit the very same problem - there is no need to reinstall OS or something.

    I've removed meld, tried to use kdiff3. I didn't like it and removed it, then installed meld again and, a miracle happened, it works as it was before.

    used brew for mostly all steps.

    one unusual command I've used was brew reinstall meld