-record(test, {a = 10}).
test(Test) when is_record(Test,test) -> somethings.
test(#test{} = Test) -> somethings.
which is faster or the same? why.
It's not too hard to test with the compiler. To do that, I wrote this module…
-module my_mod.
-export [t1/1, t2/1].
-record(test, {a = 10}).
t1(Test) when is_record(Test,test) -> somethings.
t2(#test{} = _Test) -> somethings.
Then, I run erlc -E my_mod.erl
and this is the resulting expanded code:
-file("my_mod.erl", 1).
-record(test,{a = 10}).
t1({test, _} = Test) when true ->
t2({test, _} = _Test) ->
So, basically… it's the same. Using is_record(Test, test)
adds a useless guard (true
) but that shouldn't make a difference in terms of speed.
Furthermore, if you use erlc -S my_mod.erl
, to generate assembly listings, you get:
{module, my_mod}. %% version = 0
{exports, [{module_info,0},{module_info,1},{t1,1},{t2,1}]}.
{attributes, []}.
{labels, 9}.
{function, t1, 1, 2}.
{function, t2, 1, 4}.
{function, module_info, 0, 6}.
{function, module_info, 1, 8}.
As you can see, the two functions are, in fact, identical:
{function, …, 1, …}.