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getElementsByTagName returning "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment" error

I am working with a vendor-supplied API that returns this XML when I call it.

            <ROW type="object" class="empty">
                <brief_desc>Check plate</brief_desc>
                <comp_desc>Spitfire #2</comp_desc>
                <work_desc>Check plate for flatness</work_desc>
            <ROW type="object" class="empty">
                <brief_desc>Check wheel</brief_desc>
                <comp_desc>Spitfire #1</comp_desc>
                <work_desc>Check wheel for roundness</work_desc>

I call this from another vendor-supplied HMI software, that only supports VBscript. I can get individual values like this, using the Microsoft.XMLDOM object:


However, when I try to get a collection of the "WORK" node, like this...

objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("DATA")

...I get an error stating "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment". The "DATA" element is all caps, so I think I have the name correct. I have researched this quite a bit, but can't seem to find someone with the exact same issue. I would appreciate any suggestions anyone might have. Thank you!

Edit, adding full code, as requested by people replying to this post:

Function EmaintTest

    Dim objRequest
    Dim strUrl 
    Dim strResponse 
    Dim body 
    Dim strResponseHeaders 
    Dim allResponseHeader 
    Dim xmlDoc 
    Set objRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    strUrl = ""
    'Set body value as required by API.
    body = "{""table"":""WORK"",""columns"":""WO,COMPID,COMP_DESC,WORKSTATUS,BRIEF_DESC,SCH_DATE,WORK_DESC,INITIALS"",""pageNumber"":1,""pageSize"":1000,""filter"":{""logic"":""and"",""filters"":[{""field"":""wo_type"",""operator"":""eq"",""value"":""PM""},{""field"":""COMPID"",""operator"":""eq"",""value"":""1354""},{""field"":""WORKSTATUS"",""operator"":""eq"",""value"":""O""}]},""sortBy"":[{""field"":""SCH_DATE"",""dir"":""asc""}]}"             
    With objRequest
        .Open "POST", strUrl, False
        .SetRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache"
        .SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/plain"
        .SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/xml"
        .SetRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"
        .SetRequestHeader "Connection", "keep-alive"
        .Send body
        strResponseHeaders = .StatusText
        strResponse = .ResponseText
        allResponseHeader = .GetAllResponseHeaders
    End With
    'Load the XML
    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.async = False 

    'Assign variables using the values returned from the API 
    $Trace (xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//VALID").text ) 'This works, returns "True" value.

    Dim xmlNodes
    Dim xmlNode  

    Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("DATA/WORK")
    $Trace  ("Using selectNodes...")
    For Each xmlNode in xmlNodes
        $Trace (xmlNode.text)
    $Trace  ("Using getElementsByTagName...")

    Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("DATA/WORK")

    For Each xmlNode In xmlNodes
        $Trace  (xmlNode.text)

End Function


  • The issue appears to be with the code that you haven't yet shared. The following code works fine with your XML file. Note that you have the option of using selectNodes or getElementsByTagName.

    Set xmlDoc =  CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.Load ".\Test.xml"
    WScript.echo "Using selectNodes..."
    Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("DATA/WORK")
    For Each xmlNode in xmlNodes
      WScript.echo xmlNode.text
    WScript.echo "Using getElementsByTagName..."
    Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("DATA/WORK")
    For Each xmlNode in xmlNodes
      WScript.echo xmlNode.text

    Here's a way to traverse all nodes:

    Set xmlDoc =  CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.Load ".\Test.xml"
    Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.selectNodes("//*")    
    For i = 0 to xmlNodes.length - 1
        WScript.Echo xmlNodes(i).nodeName & ": " & xmlNodes(i).text