Sort of out of ideas here. I'm new to the Nestjs (or node backends in general) world and up until anything to di with the db, it's been a piece of cake.
I've turned synchronization off explicitly:
I pull in said .env file as such:
const DatabaseConfig = () => ({
type: 'postgres',
host: process.env.TYPEORM_HOST,
port: parseInt(process.env.TYPEORM_PORT),
username: process.env.TYPEORM_USERNAME,
password: process.env.TYPEORM_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.TYPEORM_DATABASE,
logging: true,
entities: [
synchronize: process.env.TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE||false,
migrationsTableName: 'typeorm_migrations', // this field will be used to create the table by name of 'typeorm_migrations'. You can name it whatever you want. But make sure to use the sensible name
migrations: [
"dist/src/common/persistence/migrations/*{.ts,.js}" // This is the path to the migration files created by typeorm cli. You don't have to create dist folder. When you save file, compiled files will be stored in dist folder
cli: {
migrationsDir: "src/common/persistence/migrations" // This path will be used by typeorm cli when we create a new migration
export default DatabaseConfig;
via an "Appconfig" instance
const AppConfig = () => ({
environment: (process.env.NODE_ENVIRONMENT) ? process.env.NODE_ENVIRONMENT : 'development' ,
port: 3000,
database: {
export default AppConfig;
All pulled into AppModule like so:
imports: [
isGlobal: false,
load: [AppConfig]
imports: [
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
return configService.get<ConnectionOptions>('database');
inject: [
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}
How does TypeORM then on every run, create a table with the entity from my entity folder?
query: CREATE TABLE "basic_phone_check" ("id" SERIAL NOT NULL, "country" integer NOT NULL, "phoneNumber" character varying NOT NULL, "givenName" character
varying NOT NULL, "familyName" character varying NOT NULL, "dob" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, "timeCreated" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), CONSTRAINT "PK_3c09423ecba40b5709e30b6061e" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))
Many thanks
This line might cause issue's:
synchronize: process.env.TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE||false,
because process.env.TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE
probably is a string not a bool and "false"
is truthy