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Chakra ui - color mode inside extendTheme

I want to change global shadow color based on active theme color mode (dark or light). So if theme is light I want to set shadow.xl to 8px 8px 20px #fff otherwise 8px 8px 20px #000. I know about function like in but it is not available on shadows or extendTheme. Any ideas how to spot which color mode is active?

  shadows: {
    // Here
    xl: '8px 8px 20px #000',
  styles: {
    global: props => ({
      body: {
        color: mode(gray500, '#fff')(props),
        bg: mode(gray100, '#161616')(props),
        fontWeight: 300,


  • While looking through chakra's default theme source code, I found this: you need to use mode() which is imported from @chakra-ui/theme-tools