I'm using react Leaflet js map, and I'm displaying markers of fetched data from my database on the map, but the issue is that I have kind of 5000 markers and it's a lot to display on zoom level 9, so is there some way to display the markers on specific zoom levels?
yes why not?
you can store zoom of map like this and set a condition to show Marker
const [Zoom, setZoom] = useState(9);
const MapEvents = () => {
zoomend() { // zoom event (when zoom animation ended)
const zoom = map.getZoom(); // get current Zoom of map
return false;
return (
<MapContainer center={[33.8735578, 35.86379]} zoom={9} scrollWheelZoom={true}>
attribution='© <a
href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
{/* your events on map */}
<MapEvents />
{ Zoom >= 13 ? <Marker> your marker options and params </Marker> : null }