Is it possible to drag and drop the child div inside the parent.Below code it is possible to drag and drop through out the col1,col2,col3. I would like to drag the child divisions with in that column itself. eg: if Column Col1 contain child A,B,C and the divsions inside the A should be sortable through out A.
new glow.widgets.Sortable(
'#cols-example .col1, #cols-example .col2, #cols-example .col3',
draggableOptions : {
handle : 'strong'
new glow.widgets.Sortable(
'#cols-example .col1, #cols-example .col2, #cols-example .col3',
draggableOptions : {
handle : 'strong'
new glow.widgets.Sortable(
'#A .maincat',
constrainDragTo : '#A',
axis : 'y',
onSort : function () {
// your code here
The above code working fine. Put the sub div in A and if we give a class it can be drag only with in the div