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Set speed based on agents close to transporter

In my model, I want my agent type of the transport fleet to calculate every second if there are any other agents (persons) in a range of 2meter of this transporter and if so it should slow down speed. I know a bit how to code, but since I'm used to python instead of java I found it difficult to really know how to code, so at the moment I created an event in the agent type of the AGV which runs every second (which is the agent type of the transporter).

In the code box I want something like this but do not know how to exactly:

for person (if person.walking=true) in personpopulation:
    if double distanceTo(person)<2:
        break // Since knowing that one agent is close is enough.
    unit.setspeed(2) // if there is no agent close he did not break and reaches this part of the code.

But how do you exactly code this in java/anylogic

Screens of current situation: In method 1 I used the simple way by just adding the set speed function. Transporterfleet method 1 Event method 1

Than I also tried this and in the model is see that the maxspeed parameter of the agent changes, but the movement of the AGV is not slowing down.

Event method 2 Transporterfleet method2


  • The following code should work:

    for (Person currPerson : personPopulation) {
        if (currPerson.walking==true) {
            for (AGV currAgv: agvPopulation) {
                   if (currPerson.distanceTo(currAgv)<2){