I'm trying to make a test for this view:
def author_detail(request, pk):
author = get_object_or_404(Author, pk=pk)
blog = author.blog_set.all()
paginator = Paginator(blog, 1)
page_number = request.GET.get('page')
page_obj = paginator.get_page(page_number)
context = {
'author': author,
'page_obj': page_obj,
return render(request, 'blog/author_detail.html', context=context)
The view is working normally. My problem is when I'm going to try to test this view. Here my test:
class AuthorDetailViewTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
user = User.objects.create(username='user01', password='123456')
self.author_instance = Author.objects.create(
user=user, date_of_birth='1998-09-08', bio='I am user01')
topic = Topic.objects.create(name='Testing')
Blog.objects.create(title='My blog', content="It's my blog")
Blog.author = self.author_instance
Blog.topic = topic
# The author.blog_set.all() are returning an empty QuerySet
# This problem are only happening in the tests, not in the view
def test_pagination_first_page(self):
response = self.client.get(
reverse('author-detail', kwargs={'pk':self.author_instance.pk}))
self.assertEqual(len(response.context['page_obj']), 1)
The result are:
FAIL: test_pagination_first_page (blog.tests.test_views.AuthorDetailViewTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/carlos/problem/venv_01/the_blog/blog/tests/test_views.py", line 189,in test_pagination_first_page
self.assertEqual(len(response.context['page_obj']), 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1
The len(response.context['page_obj']) is equal 0. It should be at least 1, because I created one Blog object. When I print the QuerySet of author.blog_set.all(), the returned QuerySet are empty (<QuerySet []>). I think that the problem is in the creation of the Blog model, because the author and topic fields are ManyToManyField.
As I mentioned before, my problem is in the test, not in the view. The view is working normally.
The last 3 lines of the following code snippet have some issues:
def setUp(self):
user = User.objects.create(username='user01', password='123456')
self.author_instance = Author.objects.create(
user=user, date_of_birth='1998-09-08', bio='I am user01')
topic = Topic.objects.create(name='Testing')
Blog.objects.create(title='My blog', content="It's my blog")
Blog.author = self.author_instance
Blog.topic = topic