I made a eventbridge evoking every minute to fetch data and save it.
Lmabda that eventbridge evokes consumes around 80mb ~ 90mb and takes around 3000ms ~3500ms (3~3.5 sec)
As you could see, my lambda is triggered at ??:35 sec which I didn't expected
I expected lambda to run every ??:00 like example AWS shows
expected to run at :
05:01:00, 05:02:00, 05:03:00, 05:04:00, ...
reality :
05:01:35, 05:02:35, 05:03:35, 05:04:35, ...
should I start event trigger at ??:00 by my self?
You can't change that, as resolution of EB is 1 minute, not seconds. From docs:
Your scheduled rule runs within that minute, but not on the precise 0th second.