I'm trying implement MVVM using a third party SDK that makes a query to get a wallet balance. (They do not have an API endpoint only their SDK so no retrofit library use)
In my MainRepository
class I'm using one of their methods that makes a Request and returns a Wallet Balance.
public Request<BigInteger> getWalletBalance(String walletAddress) {
return thirdPartyService.getBalance(new Address(walletAddress));
And in my MainViewModel
class I am making a request using their SDK
public void getWalletBalance(String address) {
mainRepository.getWalletBalance(address).execute(new Callback<BigInteger>() {
public void onSuccess(BigInteger result) {
public void onFailure(Exception exception) {
balanceErrorLiveData.postValue("Failed to get wallet balance");
The problem is, their method .execute()
is running on the Android UI thread causing the app to freeze while making the query.
If I was using RxJava I could do something like this (In my ViewModel)...
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<BigInteger>() {
public void onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d) {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull BigInteger result) {
public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
But that wouldn't work because the return type in my MainRepository
method above returns a Request<BigInteger>
So my question is, is it possible to wrap that Request<BigInteger>
with a RxJava class so I can cleanly implement a RxJava request with this third party library?
Or maybe there is a better or simpler solution I can do in order to make that Request on a background thread and returning the result in the ViewModel to process?
This may not be the cleanest solution in the world but it could work.
Let the execute function block the Singles
return as we know it already blocks normally.
BigInteger bigIntResult = null;
//You can take advantage of execute's blocking behavior by
// letting it block the callable's return.
mainRepository.getWalletBalance(address).execute(new Callback<BigInteger>() {
public void onSuccess(BigInteger result) {
bigIntResult = result;
public void onFailure(Exception exception) {
throw exception;
return bigIntResult;
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<BigInteger>() {
public void onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d) {
// grab the disposable
public void onSuccess(@NonNull BigInteger result) {
// Here is the callable's return
public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
balanceErrorLiveData.postValue("Failed to get wallet balance");