I want to do static sign analysis on variables (ints only).
Example : I have the possible signs of two variables and the operation
A Positive + A positive = A positive
[Pos] + [Pos] -> [Pos]
A Positive or Zero + A positive = A Positive
[Pos; Zero] + [Pos] -> [Pos]
A Positive or Zero or Negative * Zero = Zero
[Pos; Zero; Neg] * [Zero] -> [Zero]
My variables' signs are coded as Lists / Arrays.
A positive or zero variable will be coded as [Pos; Zero] A negative variables will be coded as [Neg] A positive, negative or zero variable will be coded as [Pos; Neg; Zero] Order doesn't matter [Pos; Zero] is the same as [Zero; Pos]
I need to do this in OCAML, but you can help in any language / pseudocode.
Here is my idea :
let sign_operation (op:op) (l_expr: sign list) (r_expr: sign list): sign list =
match op with
| Add -> (match l_expr, r_expr with
| [Pos], [Pos] -> [Pos]
| [Pos], [Zero] -> [Pos]
| [Zero], [Pos] -> [Pos]
| [Pos], [Neg] -> [Neg;Zero;Pos]
| [Neg], [Pos] -> [Neg;Zero;Pos]
| [Neg], [Zero] -> [Neg]
| [Zero], [Neg] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Neg] -> [Neg]
| [Zero], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| _ -> failwith "no")
| Sub -> (match l_expr, r_expr with
| [Pos], [Pos] -> [Neg;Zero;Pos]
| [Pos], [Zero] -> [Pos]
| [Zero], [Pos] -> [Neg]
| [Pos], [Neg] -> [Pos]
| [Neg], [Pos] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Zero] -> [Neg]
| [Zero], [Neg] -> [Pos]
| [Neg], [Neg] -> [Neg;Zero;Pos]
| [Zero], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| _ -> failwith "no")
| Mul -> (match l_expr, r_expr with
| [Pos], [Pos] -> [Pos]
| [Pos], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| [Zero], [Pos] -> [Zero]
| [Pos], [Neg] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Pos] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| [Zero], [Neg] -> [Zero]
| [Neg], [Neg] -> [Pos]
| [Zero], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| [Neg;Zero;Pos], [Zero] -> [Zero]
| [Zero], [Neg;Zero;Pos] -> [Zero]
| _ , [Zero] -> [Zero]
| [Zero] , _ -> [Zero]
| _ -> failwith "no")
| Div -> (match l_expr, r_expr with
| [Pos], [Pos] -> [Pos]
| [Pos], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Pos] -> [Zero]
| [Pos], [Neg] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Pos] -> [Neg]
| [Neg], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Neg] -> [Zero]
| [Neg], [Neg] -> [Pos]
| [Zero], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Neg;Zero;Pos], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Neg;Zero;Pos] -> [Zero]
| _ -> [Error])
| Mod -> (match l_expr, r_expr with
| [Pos], [Pos] -> [Pos]
| [Pos], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Pos] -> [Zero]
| [Pos], [Neg] -> [Error]
| [Neg], [Pos] -> [Error]
| [Neg], [Zero] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Neg] -> [Error]
| [Neg], [Neg] -> [Error]
| [Zero], [Zero] -> [Error]
| _ -> [Error])
This doesn't work for any variable with two or more possible signs.
If I have a variable [Pos; Zero; Neg] Minus [Pos; Zero], this won't be matched in my patterns. Trying every possible permutation in every possible order will be too long.
Can you suggest a better way to do this ?
Sorry if I couldn't get myself understood well, feel free to ask any question and thank you !
In your question, you write
A Positive or Zero + A positive = A Positive
[Pos; Zero] + [Pos] -> [Pos]
How do you know this? Did you attend a school that taught you specifically what you get if you add a positive-or-zero number to something? Of course not. You broke it down into simpler cases, reasoning as follows:
Write a program that reasons in the same way. Instead of looking at a pair of lists of signs all at once, write a function for each operation that handles just a single sign for each operand, yielding a list of possible results. Call that function on each possible pair of signs represented by the input lists, then combine the results.
For example.
signOp Add x y = case (x, y) of
(Zero, r) -> [r]
(l, Zero) -> [l]
_ | x == y -> [x]
| otherwise -> [Pos, Zero, Neg]