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How to escape a dynamic regex in swift?

So, I'm getting a hex string as such from the API 2f5e28285b5e3c3e28295b5c5d5c5c2e2c3b3a5c7340225d2b285c2e5b5e3c3e28295b5c5d5c5c2e2c3b3a5c7340225d2b292a297c28222e2b2229294028285c5b5b302d395d7b312c337d5c2e5b302d395d7b312c337d5c2e5b302d395d7b312c337d5c2e5b302d395d7b312c337d5d297c28285b612d7a412d5a5c2d302d395d2b5c2e292b5b612d7a412d5a5d7b322c7d2929242f

Once decoded to a utf string, this is the regex that's formed


This is a valid email regex as per some online regex validators. Now the issue arises in how to escape this string. I've tried the following code

if let data = emailRegex.hexadecimal, let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
                guard NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", NSRegularExpression.escapedPattern(for: string))
                    .evaluate(with: email) else {
                        throw ValidationError.invalidInput
                isValid = true
            else {
                throw ValidationError.missingInput

This results in the following escaped regex:


The following escaped regex results in wrong results for proper emails, it gives validation errors even for the right ones. Any help will be appreciated!

Edit 1: Updated code to

let string = String(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!.dropFirst().dropLast())

But compiler crashes on the following - enter image description here


  • Use


    Replacement: $1\\[. See regex proof.


      (                        group and capture to \1:
        (?<!                     look behind to see if there is not:
          \\                       '\'
        )                        end of look-behind
        (?:                      group, but do not capture (0 or more
                                 times (matching the most amount
          \\                       '\'
          \\                       '\'
        )*                       end of grouping
        \[                       '['
        (?:                      group, but do not capture (0 or more
                                 times (matching the most amount
          \\                       '\'
          .                        any character except \n
         |                        OR
          [^\]\[]                  any character except: '\]', '\['
        )*                       end of grouping
      )                        end of \1
      \[                       '['