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gcloud filter result based on time

I am trying to list machine Images on GCP and filter out results based on CreatimeTimestamp - a few hours/days. I'm trying to do something like this :

gcloud beta compute machine-images list --sort-by "creationTimestamp" --project=XXXXX --format="table(name,'%Y-%m-%d-%T'))" --filter="'%Y-%m-$d-%H:%M:%S')<'$(date -d '3 hours ago' "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")'"

To list 3 hours old machine-images


  • Update

    Thinking more about your question, I think there's probably an easier way than my answer (below). The documentation suggests that you can do a date compare directly. So, perhaps:

    WHEN=$(date +%s --date='3 hours ago')
    gcloud beta compute machine-images list \
    --project=${PROJECT} \
    --format="table(name,creationTimestamp)") \

    gcloud filter doesn't include a shell and so you can't include e.g. bash's date command in the filter.

    I think (!) the way to do this is to format output the results you want and then filter.

    IMAGES=$(gcloud beta compute machine-images list \
    --project=${PROJECT} \
    for IMAGE in ${IMAGES}
      IFS=, read NAME TIMESTAMP <<< ${IMAGE}
      CREATED=$(date +%s --date=${TIMESTAMP}
      WHEN=$(date +%s --date='3 hours ago')
      if [ ${CREATED} -gt ${WHEN} ]
        printf "Image: %s (Creation: %s)\n" NAME TIMESTAMP