my component.ts code is
forms = new FormGroup({
topics: new FormArray([]),
addTopic(topic: HTMLInputElement) {
(this.refForm as FormArray).push(new FormControl(topic.value));
// topic.value = '';
get refForm() {
return this.forms.get('topics');
and .html file has following code.
<form [formGroup]="forms">
<ul class="list-group">
<li *ngFor="let topic of forms.get('topics')">
{{ topic.value }}
I tried to find and fix the problem but solutions or answer are not available.
You need to iterate over controls but you're passing an instance of AbstractControl
or possible null
value to ngFor
I guess you wanted to pass array of controls in your FormArray
You already have a get helper that can be enhanced with correct type:
get refForm() {
return this.forms.get('topics') as FormArray;
with the above code you can correct your html
*ngFor="let topic of refForm.controls"