I have access to server of our company's website. I access it using Putty. I want to download all files(index.php, any jpg files for favicons, etc.) used for deployment of the web project. When I told to programmer of website to share the full script(HTML,CSS,PHP, jquery plugins), he said that I can access the entire code from server. When I enter the server via Putty(private key+ssh), and then I type "ls" I see that there are "index.php" and "mysql" files, the full contents of which I cannot download. What are the useful resources for list of commands? Which command should I use to download the project folder containing all files with code and without code? P.S. I do not know if this information is necessary, but the website was deployed using DigitalOcean.
As you are using Putty, I'll assume you are working on Windows. There is a GUI tool called WinSCP that works similar to Putty (i.e. over SSH and uses private keys and stuff) and can be used to access the remote server's filesystem. It has a pretty simple to understand UI which will be divided into you local filesystem and the server filesystem. Once you're connected and have reached the files you need you can just drag and drop the files into your local filesystem side.
If you would like to explore some command line options, its basically any tool that does scp
. I think Putty comes with scp
or pscp
installed already. You can check by just typing in the command in your cmd/powershell.