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Generate single PDF from multiple Asciidoc files

I'm trying to convert my existing asciidoc documentation into pdf. Asciidoctor-pdf seems quite easy and I'm able to convert single files into pdf.

asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-theme='./theme/styles.yml' -a pdf-fontsdir='GEM_FONTS_DIR, theme/fonts/' 01-intro.adoc

But my docs are spread across many files. I want do create a single pdf from all those files. Does anyone know how to do this?

Secondly I don't want the generated pdf to be located next du the adoc file. I want to specify a target path.

I'd appreciate every hint. Thanks and best regards. Sebastian


  • The easiest and most convenient way is to use the VSCode editor with the AsciiDoc extension installed. This extension is developed by the same team that develops the AsciiDoctor text processor. This is a GUI-based approach to solve all your problems so I'm pretty sure u're gonna love it.

    (Step 1) After the extension is installed, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + , to go to the settings and then enter asciidoc.use_asciidoctorpdf in the search bar and tick the check box (see the demonstration below)

    Enable asciidoctor-pdf for the VSCode AsciiDoc extension

    (Step 2) To create a single pdf file from multiple .adoc files, just simply put all of them in a single .adoc file with include::directory-to-the-adoc-file.adoc[] (see the illustration below)

    Code example

    (Step 3) Press F1, then type in as pdf and hit Enter to export this single .adoc file as a single PDF file, this will allow u to specify the target export directory for the PDF. Please be patient and wait for a few seconds for the export to complete, the editor will immediately inform u as soon as the export is complete (see the image at the bottom)

    Export PDF

    Export complete