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PowerShell Export-CSV - Missing Columns

This is a follow-up question from PowerShell | EVTX | Compare Message with Array (Like)

I changed the tactic slightly, now I am collecting all the services installed,

$7045 = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ Path="1system.evtx"; Id = 7045 } | select 
@{N=’Timestamp’; E={$_.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}},
@{N=’Machine Name’; E={$_.MachineName}},
@{N=’Service Name’; E={$_.Properties[0].Value}},@{N=’Image Path’;E=$_.Properties[1].Value}},
@{N=’RunAsUser’; E={$_.Properties[4].Value}},@{N=’Installed By’; E={$_.UserId}}

Now I match each object for any suspicious traits and if found, I add a column 'Suspicious' with the value 'Yes'. This is because I want to leave the decision upto the analyst and pretty sure the bad guys might use something we've not seen before.

foreach ($Evt in $7045)
if ($Evt.'Image Path' -match $sus)

    $Evt | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Suspicious' -Value 'Yes'


Now, I'm unable to get PowerShell to display all columns unless I specifically Select them

$7045 | Format-Table

Same goes for CSV Export. The first two don't include the Suspicious Column but the third one does but that's because I'm explicitly asking it to.

$7045 | select * | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation
$7045 | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation
$7045 | Select-Object Timestamp, Id, 'Machine Name', 'Service Name', 'Image Path', 'RunAsUser', 'Installed By', Suspicious | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation

I read the Export-CSV documentation on MS. Searched StackOverFlow for some tips, I think it has something to do with PS checking the first Row and then compares if the property exists for the second row and so on. Thank you


  • The issue you're experiencing is partially because of how objects are displayed to the console, the first object's Properties determines the displayed Properties (Columns) for all objects.

    The bigger problem though, is that Export-Csv will not export those properties that do not match with first object's properties unless they're explicitly added to the remaining objects or the objects are reconstructed, one easy way to achieve this is to use Select-Object as you have pointed out in the question.

    Given the following example:

    $test = @(
            A = 'ValA'
            A = 'ValA'
            B = 'ValB'
            C = 'ValC'
            D = 'ValD'
            E = 'ValE'
    $test | Format-Table
    • Format-List can display the objects properly, this is because each property with it's corresponding value has it's own console line in the display:
    PS /> $test | Format-List
    A : ValA
    A : ValA
    B : ValB
    C : ValC
    D : ValD
    E : ValE
    $test | ConvertTo-Csv

    You have different options as a workaround for this, you could either add the Suspicious property to all objects and for those events that are not suspicious you could add $null as Value.

    Another workaround is to use Select-Object explicitly calling the Suspicious property (this works because you know the property is there and you know it's Name).

    If you did not know how many properties your objects had, a dynamic way to solve this would be to discover their properties using the PSObject intrinsic member.

    using namespace System.Collections.Generic
    function ConvertTo-NormalizedObject {
            [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
            [object[]] $InputObject
        begin {
            $list  = [List[object]]::new()
            $props = [HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
        process {
            foreach($object in $InputObject) {
                foreach($property in $object.PSObject.Properties) {
                    $null = $props.Add($property.Name)
        end {
            $out = [ordered]@{}
            foreach ($object in $list) {
                foreach ($prop in $props) {
                    $out[$prop] = $object.$prop
                [pscustomobject] $out


    # From Pipeline
    $test | ConvertTo-NormalizedObject | Format-Table
    # From Positional / Named parameter binding
    ConvertTo-NormalizedObject $test | Format-Table
    $prop = $test.ForEach{ $_.PSObject.Properties.Name } | Select-Object -Unique
    $test | Select-Object $prop

    Using $test for this example, the result would become:

    A    B    C    D    E
    -    -    -    -    -
    ValA ValB
              ValC ValD ValE