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How to pass isolation level through R ODBC and DBI with DB2/AS400

I'm trying to figure out a way to pass an isolation level through a R DBI/ODBC for a DB2/AS400 connection string. I'm not even sure if I'm asking my question correctly.

I can change the commit mode in the Windows ODBC server settings using the instructions in the link below, but I need to put the setting in the connection string if possible.:

This is the only way our DBA allows for we little data scientists to write to our DW.

Surely there has to be a way to to pass through the "*NONE" aka "Commit immediate(*NONE), however the ODBC documentation (page 21), doesn't include the setting:

Connection String:

con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                      SYSTEM = "system",
                      Driver    = "{iSeries Access ODBC Driver}", 
                      #Server    = "server",
                      #Database  = "",
                      UID       = "uid",
                      PWD       = rstudioapi::askForPassword("password"),
                      DBQ =   "MYLIB"
                      #Port      = 


  • ISeries ODBC Driver API documentation: Go down to section two to find all commit mode options.

    Connection String in order to change commit mode:

    con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                          SYSTEM = "system",
                          Driver    = "{iSeries Access ODBC Driver}", 
                          #Server    = "server",
                          #Database  = "",
                          UID       = "uid",
                          PWD       = rstudioapi::askForPassword("password"),
                          DBQ =   "MYLIB",
                          CMT = 0
                          #Port      = 
    Possible values:
    0 = Commit immediate (*NONE)
    1 = Read committed (*CS)
    2 = Read uncommitted (*CHG)
    3 = Repeatable read (*ALL)
    4 = Serializable (*RR)