I searched for existing answers. I found answers for printing curly braces, but they do not include executing a function inside the f-string as well. The one marked as duplicate did not solve my problem.
Part of the string that I'm trying to print is resolved from a function. The static part of my string includes curly braces. I can perform the function using the old style, but I was hoping to do so with the new f-string. The final string should look like this:
Old style works:
>>> print('test{%s}'%(aloha()))
f-string - as expected, the curly braces are not printed:
>>> print(f"test{(aloha())}")
f-string with double curly - function is not executed:
>>> print(f"test{{(aloha())}}")
"test{(xor('label'.encode(), 13).decode())}"
f-string escaping curly braces - syntax error:
>>> print(f"test\{{(aloha())}\}")
"SyntaxError: f-string: single '}' is not allowed"
f-string only escaping opening curly brace - no execution:
>>> print(f"test\{{(aloha())}}")
"test\{(xor('label'.encode(), 13).decode())}"
Am I just reaching too far?
Edit: shortened the original executed function to "aloha()", but people already responded with working answers while I was editing. Their answers are correct.
You need a triple curly. Each double curly makes for a single escaped curly braces:
>>> f"{{{1}}}"