I'm writing Apigee JavaScript Policy Resources using the VS Code Cloud Code plugin and can't locate the print
statement output- is it available while running the Apigee (Docker) emulator?
output is not available in the Apigee local development emulator, it is only available using Debug or Trace in the actual Apigee product.
To work around this I've written a couple of helper functions that log to the context
and then dump the logs to the Response header:
function logMsg(msg) {
var index = context.getVariable("logger.index");
if (index == null) {
index = 1;
context.setVariable("logger.logMsg-" + index, msg);
index = index + 1;
context.setVariable("logger.index", index);
// Call this function during Response processing
function logsToResponseHeader() {
var index = context.getVariable("logger.index");
if (index == null) {
context.proxyResponse.headers['Z-Log-0'] = 'logger.index == null';
context.proxyResponse.headers['Z-Log-0'] = 'logger.index == ' + index + ' type: ' + typeof (index);
for (var i = 1; i < index; i++) {
var msg = context.getVariable("logger.logMsg-" + i);
if (msg == null) {
context.proxyResponse.headers['Z-Log-' + i] = 'Null msg';
} else {
context.proxyResponse.headers['Z-Log-' + i] = msg;
Sample output from curl -v
< Z-Log-0: logger.index == 11 type: number
< Z-Log-1: Trace-Context-Request: enter
< Z-Log-2: Trace-Context-Request: exit
< Z-Log-3: Trace-Context-Response: enter
< Z-Log-4: WARN: null value for TraceEndTimestamp:
< Z-Log-5: RequestParentID:
< Z-Log-6: ParentID: 769db5b4
< Z-Log-7: TraceID: 9b5c3406fdd0d275
< Z-Log-8: TraceFlags: 01
< Z-Log-9: parentStartTime: 1640441735345
< Z-Log-10: Trace-Context-Response: exit