I am trying to create a beanstalk app. It offers to upload a file or choose a s3 bucket.
I have uploaded some jar files to a s3 bucket and want to pick the bucket instead of uploading them.
The reason I do this is that in the next step I want to do it with terraform and I don't find any configuration in terraform to upload a file directly.
My problem now is that beanstalk keeps reporting an error.
Source code is required.Source code URL must be a valid S3 location.
How can I make this work? Or is there another way I can do it later with terraform. I don't understand how to get the actual code there with the AWS provider. https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/elastic_beanstalk_application
You do this using aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version. Prior to creating that resource you have to upload your jar to s3 using aws_s3_bucket_object.