Define a list which contian serveral name to check, If found 'lvbu' string, then jump out the LOOP body. But the express seems not suit for robotframwork, Could tell me why it's notice name'liubei
is not define about the variable ${index}
Exit For Loop
@{items} Create List liubei zhangfei guanyu lvbu zhaoyun machao
FOR ${index} IN @{items}
Run Keyword If ${index}==lvbu Exit For Loop
Trace info:
20211224 23:34:12.775 : TRACE : Arguments: [ 'liubei' | 'zhangfei' | 'guanyu' | 'lvbu' | 'zhaoyun' | 'machao' ]
20211224 23:34:12.775 : TRACE : Return: ['liubei', 'zhangfei', 'guanyu', 'lvbu', 'zhaoyun', 'machao']
20211224 23:34:12.776 : INFO : @{items} = [ liubei | zhangfei | guanyu | lvbu | zhaoyun | machao ]
20211224 23:34:12.779 : TRACE : Arguments: [ 'liubei==lvbu' | 'Exit For Loop' ]
20211224 23:34:12.785 : FAIL : Evaluating expression 'liubei==lvbu' failed: NameError: name 'liubei' is not defined nor importable as module
The expression must be a valid python expression after robot substitutes variables. Like the error shows, the expression being evaluated becomes liubei == lvbu
. That means that python (not robot) must have a variable named liubei
and another one named lvbu
If you are trying to compare strings, you must properly quote them. For example, this will work if you know ${index}
itself doesn't have any quote characters:
Run Keyword If '${index}' == 'lvbu' Exit For Loop
Robot has a special syntax for variables used in expressions. If you leave off the curly braces, robot will create the python variable for you, which avoids the problem of having to know if the variable has quotes in it or not.
Run Keyword If $index == 'lvbu' Exit For Loop
For more information see the section titled Evaluating expressions in the documentation for the BuiltIn library.