I have an async FastApi application with async sqlalchemy, source code (will not provide schemas.py because it is not necessary):
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession, create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api import DeclarativeMeta
from app.config import settings
engine = create_async_engine(settings.DATABASE_URL)
Base: DeclarativeMeta = declarative_base()
async_session = sessionmaker(engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False)
class Titles(Base):
__tablename__ = "titles"
id = Column(String(100), primary_key=True)
title = Column(String(100), unique=True)
async def get_session() -> AsyncSession:
async with async_session() as session:
yield session
import .database
from fastapi_utils.cbv import cbv
from fastapi_utils.inferring_router import InferringRouter
router = InferringRouter()
async def get_titles(session: AsyncSession):
results = await session.execute(select(database.Titles)))
return results.scalars().all()
class TitlesView:
session: AsyncSession = Depends(database.get_session)
@router.get("/titles", status_code=HTTP_200_OK)
async def get(self) -> List[TitlesSchema]:
results = await get_titles(self.session)
return [TitlesSchema.from_orm(result) for result in results]
from fastapi import FastAPI
from app.routers import router
def create_app() -> FastAPI:
app = FastAPI()
app .include_router(routers, prefix="/", tags=["Titles"])
return printer_app
app = create_app()
It runs with docker:
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--reload", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "--limit-max-requests", "10000"]
And it has Postgres database with default settings in docker too. It all runs at docker-swarm. Works fine at first, accepts all requests. But if you leave it for 15-30 minutes (I did not count), and then make a request, it will not work:
<class 'asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionDoesNotExistError'>: connection was closed in the middle of operation
And right after that I send the next request and it doesn't throw an error. What could it be? How do I get rid of the ConnectionDoesNotExistError?
I solve that using pool_pre_ping
setting like that:
engine = create_async_engine(DB_URL, pool_pre_ping=True)