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What scope does "idp" belong to in IdentityServer4?

My MVC client's access token contains an "idp" claim that my simple server-to-server client's token doesn't. I don't explicitly request idp on either clients, so where is this claim coming from? I thought it was part of "openid", and since it is available by default to MVC client, you don't need to request it, but I couldn't find any documentation/specification that confirms it. By the way, I am unable to add the openid scope to my serer-to-server client, as I am getting "invalid scope" error when I do that. What I am trying to do here is to get the "idp" claim into the token for my server-to-server client as well, but not sure if that's possible. Can someone point me to the right direction?


  • When you do server to server communication using the client-credentials flow, there is no user involved and hence the openid scope has no purpose. As its core purpose is to ask for the subject claim (the user Id).

    The idp claim is not part of any scope and is usually added by IdentityServer.

    Why do you neeed the idp claim? Your API and client both trusts the shared IdentiyServer.

    To complement this answer, I wrote a blog post that goes into more detail about this topic: Debugging OpenID Connect claim problems in ASP.NET Core