I found this quickstart guide on how to do it locally. But there is no information about on how I can deploy my smartcontract to devnet or mainnet.
So I changed endpoint:
const client = new TonClient({
network: {
endpoints: ["https://net.ton.dev"]
According to comment, I removed useGiver
// Request contract deployment funds form a local TON OS SE giver
// not suitable for other networks.
// Deploy `hello` contract.
await helloAcc.deploy(/*{ useGiver: true }*/);
And got this this error message:
Account does not exist. You need to transfer funds to this account first to have a positive balance and then deploy its code
How do I fund my account, is there any automatic method like airdrop
We added a couple of guides about how to deploy and configure your own giver in developer network. Please, check them out:
Work with devnet with everdev tool - https://github.com/tonlabs/everdev/blob/main/docs/work_with_devnet.md
Configure giver in AppKit - https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/appkit-js/guides/custom_giver