Search code examples

Odoo - Can't Change Default Currency Company

I want to change the company currency by opening Setting->Companies->Currency. But when I already change the currency and hit save button, I get this warning dialog

You cannot change the currency of the company since some journal items already exist

How to solve this problem?


  • You cannot change the currency of the company since some journal items already exist

    • Some data are already created with the same currency, if you do not need that entry then simply delete it and then change the currency.

    reference code - Source Code

    #forbid the change of currency_id if there are already some accounting entries existing
    if 'currency_id' in values and values['currency_id'] !=
        if self.env['account.move.line'].search([('company_id', '=',]):
            raise UserError(_('You cannot change the currency of the company since some journal items already exist'))