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How to get the Roblox Proximity to open a store Frame

I read through the Roblox Developer Hub on how to make a ProximityPrompt work, and I can get it to do certain things, but I want to be able to open in game gui stores with one. I can't find how to call into the Frame to make it visible, and I can't find how to get the Frame to look for the correct trigger.

Below is what I added to the Frame localScript

local prompt = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")

local button = game.Workspace.MinerStore.ProximityPrompt.Triggered:WaitForChild()

local function prompt(PromptObject, player) 
    frame.Visible = not frame.Visible

And then this is what my Prompt script shows.

local frame = game.StarterGui.Miners:WaitForChild("Frame")

    --  frame.Visible = not frame.Visible

I took all of this right from the developer hub and tried to make it my own, but for reasons I don't understand the two don't connect.


  • Your commented out code shows that you are making a common mistake. UI that is placed in the StarterGui acts as a template. It is copied into each player's PlayerGui when their character spawns. You appear to be trying to modify the UI template, not the actual UI that the specific player sees.

    Since a ProximityPrompt can be observed in a LocalScript, you can directly listen for the trigger in the UI LocalScript.

    local prompt = game.Workspace.MinerStore.ProximityPrompt
    local frame = script.Parent
        frame.Visible = true