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Youtube iFrame API Passing data from onYouTubeIframeAPIReady to onPlayerStateChange function

I am required to initialize list of Youtube iframe video

because there is many youtube video and the list are changeable from admin site I am required to make it dynamic, which is using class instead of id

this is the current code

const players = [];


function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(index) {
    players[index] = new YT.Player($('.wow_youtube_video')[index], {
        events: {
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange

function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
    // play
    if( == 1){
        action = 'play';

    // pause
    if( == 2){
        action = 'pause';

    if( == 1 || == 2){
            'event': 'trackEvent',
            'eventDetails.category': 'videos',
            'eventDetails.action': action,
            'eventDetails.label': players[0].getVideoData().title // players[0] supposedly be players[index] but don't know how to pass the index balue from above function to this function
            'videoName': players[0].getVideoData().title, //video name
            'videoType': 'video on demand' //video type



as you can see above, the 8th line from the bottom

'eventDetails.label': players[0].getVideoData().title,

this code here the

players[0] supposedly be players[index] but I don't know how to pass the index value from

players[index] = new YT.Player($('.wow_youtube_video')[index], {
        events: {
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange

to the onPlayerStateChange function

the purpose of this is to be able to carry the index value so that the code can be dynamic, thus I only need to put class name wow_youtube_video on any youtube iframe to make it works

Any help is appreciated, thank you


  • on function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady add this

    players[index] = new YT.Player($('.wow_youtube_video')[index], {
        events: {
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange.bind(index)

    now you can get index in onPlayerStateChange by

    function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
       let index = this;