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How to set default value from mysql join interval yearmonth

I have problem with my query. I have two tables and I want join them to get the results based on primary key on first table, but I missing 1 data from first table.

this my fiddle

as you can see, I missing "xx3" from month 1

enter image description here

I have tried to change left and right join but, the results stil same. So as you can see I have to set coalesce(sum(b.sd_qty),0) as total, if no qty, set 0 as default.


  • You should cross join the table to the distinct dates also:

    SELECT a.item_code,
           COALESCE(SUM(b.sd_qty), 0) total,
           DATE_FORMAT(d.sd_date, '%m-%Y') month_year
    FROM item a 
      SELECT DISTINCT sd_date 
      FROM sales_details 
      WHERE sd_date >= '2020-04-01' - INTERVAL 3 MONTH AND sd_date < '2020-05-01'
    ) d 
    LEFT JOIN sales_details b 
    ON a.item_code = b.item_code AND b.sd_date = d.sd_date
    GROUP BY month_year, a.item_code
    ORDER BY month_year, a.item_code;

    Or, for MySql 8.0+, with a recursive CTE that returns the starting dates of all the months that you want the results, which can be cross joined to the table:

      SELECT '2020-04-01' - INTERVAL 3 MONTH AS sd_date
      SELECT sd_date + INTERVAL 1 MONTH
      FROM dates 
      WHERE sd_date + INTERVAL 1 MONTH < '2020-05-01'
    SELECT a.item_code,
           COALESCE(SUM(b.sd_qty), 0) total,
           DATE_FORMAT(d.sd_date, '%m-%Y') month_year
    FROM item a CROSS JOIN dates d 
    LEFT JOIN sales_details b 
    ON a.item_code = b.item_code AND DATE_FORMAT(b.sd_date, '%m-%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(d.sd_date, '%m-%Y')
    GROUP BY month_year, a.item_code
    ORDER BY month_year, a.item_code;

    See the demo.