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Nuxt OG:tags not being correctly read by Facebook

I am having this issue for a while now. We've a nuxt website running in SSR mode and inside it, it has a news page that follows this structure:


The issue appears when we try to share it on facebook or any other social media that uses OG:tags, but not twitter, because twitter works perfectly.

Example: If you inspect the link above, you'll see the correct meta-tags, but on Facebook debugger, it shows tags from another news. I've tried to change the slugs so it would be ( /noticia/_id/_slug ) but it also didn't work.


head() {
    // console.log(this.noticia)
    return {
      title: decode(this.noticia.titulo),
      link: [
            hid: 'canonical',
            rel: 'canonical',
            href: `${this.$config.VUE_APP_BASE_HREF + this.$router.currentRoute.fullPath}`
      meta: [
          hid: "keywords",
          property: "keywords",
          content: this.noticia.tags,
          hid: "og:url",
          property: "og:url",
          content: this.$config.VUE_APP_BASE_HREF + this.$router.currentRoute.fullPath,
          hid: "og:title",
          property: "og:title",
          content: decode(this.noticia.titulo),
          hid: "og:description",
          property: "og:description",
          content: decode(this.noticia.titulo),
          hid: "og:image",
          property: "og:image",
          content: this.filename || this.$config.VUE_APP_IMAGES_DEFAULT,
          hid: "twitter:url",
          name: "twitter:url",
          content: this.$config.VUE_APP_BASE_HREF + this.$router.currentRoute.fullPath,
          hid: "twitter:title",
          name: "twitter:title",
          content: decode(this.noticia.titulo),
          hid: "twitter:image",
          name: "twitter:image",
          content: this.filename || this.$config.VUE_APP_IMAGES_DEFAULT,
  } else {
    return {
      title: "Notícia não encontrada",
      link: [
            hid: 'canonical',
            rel: 'canonical',
            href: `${this.$config.VUE_APP_BASE_HREF + this.$router.currentRoute.fullPath}`
async asyncData({ app, params, store, route }){
  // console.log(route)
    await store.dispatch('noticias/fetchNoticia',;
    // console.log(store.getters['noticias/getNoticia']);
    return {
      noticia: store.getters['noticias/getNoticia']
  } catch (e){
    // console.log(e)

I thought it had something to do with meta charset, but it is set to UTF-8, so I guess not.


  • I found the issue The problem was that I configured my axios httpClient so it expects a status 200 for a positive response, but facebook / linkedin / whatsapp ... ( not twitter ) only makes a partial request which returns a 206 response. See: Facebook debugger : Response 206

    So, my url and tags were all correct, all I had to do was to enable 206 as a possible response.

        const responseInterceptor = response => {
        let data = null;
        switch(response.status) {
            case 200: case 206: 
                    data =;
                } else {
                    // notify error
            // any other cases
                // default case
        return data;