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How to create a many to many relationship in amplify datastore using schema.graphql

type StudentCourses
  @model(queries: null)
  @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }])
  @key(name: "byStudent", fields: ["studentID", "courseID"])
  @key(name: "byCourse", fields: ["courseID", "studentID"]) {
  id: ID!
  studentID: ID!
  courseID: ID!
  student: Student! @connection(fields: ["studentID"])
  course: Course! @connection(fields: ["courseID"])

type Course
  @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }])
  @key(name: "bySchool", fields: ["schoolID"]) {
  id: ID!
  courseName: String!
  schoolID: ID!
  students: [Student!] @connection(keyName: "byCourse", fields: ["id"])

type Student
  @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }])
  @key(name: "bySchool", fields: ["schoolID"]) {
  id: ID!
  studentName: String
  studentEmail: String
  sisID: Int
  schoolID: ID!
  courses: [Course!] @connection(keyName: "byStudent", fields: ["id"])

I followed the steps in docs to create a many to many relationship between student and courses but i keep getting this error Key byCourse does not exist for model Student even thought i created a model to connect school and courses. Thanks in advance


  • You need to omit keyName from Course, since in Student model, you have list of courses, so you can't really have @key directive for that.

    type Course
      @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }])
      @key(name: "bySchool", fields: ["schoolID"]) {
      id: ID!
      courseName: String!
      schoolID: ID!
      students: [Student!] @connection(fields: ["id"])