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How to produce triple with differentFrom vocab in OWLAPI

I tried to create different individual axiom using OWLAPI 5 in Java. What I want is simple triple using vocab owl:differentFrom like:

test:A owl:differentFrom test:B

But what I get is triple using owl:AllDifferent:

_:genid234 rdf:type owl:AllDifferent
_:genid234 owl:distinctMembers _:genid236
_:genid236 rdf:rest _:genid235
_:genid236 rdf:rest rdf:nil
_:genid235 rdf:first test:A
_:genid235 rdf:type rdf:List
_:genid236 rdf:first test:B
_:genid236 rdf:type rdf:List

And the simple code is:

OWLNamedIndividual op1 = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(baseIRI + A);
OWLNamedIndividual op2 = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(baseIRI + B);
ont.add(factory.getOWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(op1, op2));

And I already tried it with Protege 5.5.0, it produce exactly the same triple as OWLAPI.


  • There is an alternative implementation of OWLAPI-v5 that provides a direct way to work with underlying RDF data - ONT-API (by the way, RDF based Protege version also exists). If working via OWLAPI interface for two operands it produces a single triple.

    Also it is possible to copy ontology between ont-api manager and owl-api-impl managers, if you prefer to store the data in the form of OWL axioms and need to solve only this particular problem with serialization.


            String iri = "http://test#";
            OWLDataFactory factory = OntManagers.getDataFactory();
            Ontology ont = OntManagers.createManager().createOntology();
            ont.asGraphModel().setNsPrefix("test", iri);
            OWLNamedIndividual ia = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(iri + "A");
            OWLNamedIndividual ib = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(iri + "B");
            OWLNamedIndividual ic = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(iri + "C");
            ont.add(factory.getOWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(ia, ib, ic));
            ont.add(factory.getOWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(ia, ic));
            OntModel g = ont.asGraphModel();
            g.createIndividual(iri + "D").addDifferentIndividual(g.createIndividual(iri + "C"));
            g.createDifferentIndividuals(g.createIndividual(iri + "e"), g.createIndividual(iri + "g"));
            g.write(System.out, "ttl");


    @prefix owl:  <> .
    @prefix rdf:  <> .
    @prefix rdfs: <> .
    @prefix test: <http://test#> .
    @prefix xsd:  <> .
    [ rdf:type     owl:AllDifferent ;
      owl:members  ( test:e test:g )
    ] .
    test:g  rdf:type  owl:NamedIndividual .
    test:B  rdf:type  owl:NamedIndividual .
    [ rdf:type  owl:Ontology ] .
    test:e  rdf:type  owl:NamedIndividual .
    test:C  rdf:type  owl:NamedIndividual .
    test:A  rdf:type           owl:NamedIndividual ;
            owl:differentFrom  test:C .
    test:D  rdf:type           owl:NamedIndividual ;
            owl:differentFrom  test:C .
    [ rdf:type             owl:AllDifferent ;
      owl:distinctMembers  ( test:A test:B test:C )
    ] .
    DifferentIndividuals(test:C test:D)
    DifferentIndividuals(test:A test:C)
    DifferentIndividuals(test:e test:g)
    DifferentIndividuals(test:A test:B test:C)