My extension(manifest v3) needs to track the number of times a set of websites are visited either during the whole day or during certain time windows and then perform an action if the visit count exceeds a limit.
There are two ways I could think of implementing this:
. If the visited site is from the required list, increment the visit count in storage
. If the storage count exceeds the limit perform an actionWhich of the above approaches has least impact on Chrome's browsing performance? Or, is there any another api(s) that I can use to achieve the same?
I would like my extension to consume least amount of user's battery :)
In 1 the extension will do a lot of unnecessary work when the user isn't using the browser.
In 2 the extension's background script will restart more often if the user navigates a lot but makes pauses between navigating for more than the lifetime duration of the service worker (30 seconds by default), which is a typical interaction scenario.
In both cases the bigger inherent problem of ManifestV3 for an extension such as yours that observes user activity is not what the extension does itself, but the extremely huge overhead to restart the background worker, which is automatically terminated after 30 seconds since the last observed event (or 5 minutes if you use waitUntil). Such pauses in user activity are typical when browsing/interacting so for many users the worker will restart hundreds of times a day. Starting the worker takes 50-100ms and stresses the CPU+memory+disk for the entire duration, while a typical time spent in a simple observation extension's code is just 1-2ms.
In other words, an extension that observes user activity, such as yours, is inherently 25-100 times less efficient in ManifestV3 than it would be in ManifestV2 with a persistent background script.