I have an application developed using ant design ( React JS ), and I started integrating the cypress e2e test for the application. However, I could not get it to work when it comes to dropdowns, including multi-select dropdowns. Here is the code.
cy.getBySelector('.settings-tab .ant-tabs-tab-active > div').invoke('text').then((text) => {
if( text === 'Teams'){
cy.getBySelector('.model-Team .ant-input').type('Cypress Tests');
It comes until the dropdown is opens , but next steps are not working. Appricate any helps and suggestions.
I was able to solve the issue by myself, I am posting it here and hope it would help some on who is using ant design dropdowns and cypress.
Cypress.Commands.add( 'multiSelect', ( selector , text) => {
cy.get(`.ant-select${selector} > .ant-select-selector > .ant-select-selection-overflow`).click();
cy.get(`.ant-select${selector} .ant-select-selection-search input`).clear()
cy.get(`.ant-select${selector} .ant-select-selection-search input`).invoke('attr', 'id').then((selElm) => {
const dropDownSelector = `#${selElm}_list`;
cy.get(`.ant-select${selector} .ant-select-selection-search input`).type(`${text}`);
You can add the above code to commands.js then use the code like this
cy.multiSelect( selector , option );
Here my dropdown supports the search so, I have used the search to filter the option.