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MongoDB inserting child document on ID reference

I migrated my SQL database into a MongoDB database for a project. It migrated the foreign keys as the ID's that were already there. For example I have these two columns linked through the driversId: enter image description here

My question is how do I get the driver as a document in the driver_standings collection? Thanks in advance!

Edit: I've used the answer below with $merge to update the collection:

  $lookup: {
    from: "drivers",
    localField: "driverId",
    foreignField: "driverId",
    as: "driver"
}, { $merge: { into:"driverstandings" } }


  • use $lookup aggregation operator

      $lookup: {
        from: "drivers",
        localField: "driverId",
        foreignField: "driverId",
        as: "driver"