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jQuery: Menu Slide Down on top of content, not push content down

Currently this top menu which is supposed to stretch all the way across 100%, when clicked and expanded, it seems to just be sliding down and pushing the rest of the page content down.

I would like the menu to come down but instead of pushing the whole page down, just sit on top of the page and expand down how ever far necessary.

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Expand Panel
    // Collapse Panel
    $("#toggle a").click(function () {
        $("#toggle a").toggle();

What am I doing wrong?


  • I looked at the site, and i'm thinking its just a css issue. I've created a fiddle that does what you're asking for. The panel has a position of absolute, therefore will be opened over the other element. I also changed your JS a bit. to this

        var buttonText = $(this).html();
        if(buttonText == "Open"){

    Here is the fiddle example