Let's say I have data like this :
{'time': 1626459705; 'price': 278.989978},
{'time': 1626459695; 'price': 279.437975}
Note : This is just a sample data I created myself. In actual there may be any number of transactions per minute. So, data will vary per minute.
How can I convert it into OHLC Candlestick data for say 1 or 3 or 5 Minutes by using Python without using any external library like Pandas? Is it possible to do in an easy way?
Thanks in Advance
Here is code that generates random data and creates an OHLC table.
import random
import pprint
# Generate random walk data..
base = 1626459705
price = 278.989978
data = []
for i in range(600):
data.append( {'time':base+10*i, 'price':price} )
price += random.random() * 3 - 1.5
# Produce 3 minute intervals.
ohlc = []
interval = 180
base = 0
# start time, open, high, low, close
rec = [ 0, 0, 0, 99999, 0 ]
ohlc = []
for row in data:
rec[2] = max(rec[2],row['price'])
rec[3] = min(rec[3],row['price'])
if row['time'] >= base+interval:
if rec[0]:
rec[4] = row['price']
ohlc.append( dict(zip(('time','open','high','low','close'),rec)) )
base = rec[0] = row['time']
rec[1] = rec[2] = rec[3] = row['price']
OK, here's one that works with your data. I just copied that file to "mydata.json" (and removed the first "data ="). Note that this prints the output on actual 3-minute intervals, rather than basing it on each line of the input.
import pprint
import json
import time
# Produce 3 minute intervals.
data = json.load(open('mydata.json'))
interval = 180
base = data[0]['time'] // interval * interval
# start time, open, high, low, close
rec = [ base, data[0]['price'], data[0]['price'], data[0]['price'], 0 ]
ohlc = []
i = 0
while i < len(data):
row = data[i]
# If this sample is beyond the 3 minutes:
if row['time'] > rec[0]+interval:
ohlc.append( dict(zip(('time','open','high','low','close'),rec)) )
rec[0] += interval
rec[1] = rec[2] = rec[3] = rec[4]
rec[2] = max(rec[2],row['price'])
rec[3] = min(rec[3],row['price'])
rec[4] = row['price']
i += 1
for row in ohlc:
row['ctime'] = time.ctime(row['time'])
print( "%(ctime)s: %(open)12f %(high)12f %(low)12f %(close)12f" % row )
Sample output:
Wed Dec 22 22:27:00 2021: 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421
Wed Dec 22 22:30:00 2021: 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421
Wed Dec 22 22:33:00 2021: 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421 454.427421
Wed Dec 22 22:36:00 2021: 454.427421 457.058452 453.411757 453.411757
Wed Dec 22 22:39:00 2021: 453.411757 455.199204 452.589304 455.199204
Wed Dec 22 22:42:00 2021: 455.199204 455.199204 455.199204 455.199204
Wed Dec 22 22:45:00 2021: 455.199204 455.199204 455.199204 455.199204
Wed Dec 22 22:48:00 2021: 455.199204 455.768577 455.199204 455.768577
Wed Dec 22 22:51:00 2021: 455.768577 455.768577 455.768577 455.768577
Wed Dec 22 22:54:00 2021: 455.768577 455.768577 452.348469 454.374116