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How to map a Route 53 domain to a load-balancer?

I am a developer, not a cloud expert, but I have learnt that having knowledge in many areas is key to success.

I have a AWS EKS cluster, in which I have a public load-balancer service (check it out; it's a simple NodeJS Express API).

I also have a domain on Route 53 along with a pending ACM SSL certificate.

I was wondering what I have to do to map my Route 53 domain to my load-balancer, so I don't have to use the extremely long domain name AWS provides as a default for the load-balancer.

Or maybe another way of putting it: how do I change the default domain name of my load-balancer to a Route 53 domain?


  • The Route53 record provides you the option to choose the target Load Balancer to get pointed to. To do so, once you enter in AWS Console:

    • Route53.

    • Choose the corresponding Hosted Zone.

    • Mark the target Route53 record.

    • Edit record.

    • In the section Route traffic, we have to choose:

      • 1- Alias to Application and Classic Load Balancer.
      • 2- Choose the region where the Load Balancer exists.
      • 3- In the 3rd field, you have to paste the load balancer endpoint.

    This is to do so manually, if you're seeking to do so via code, then you can check How can I create a Route 53 Record to an ALB? (AWS).