I am a developer, not a cloud expert, but I have learnt that having knowledge in many areas is key to success.
I have a AWS EKS cluster, in which I have a public load-balancer service (check it out; it's a simple NodeJS Express API).
I also have a domain on Route 53 along with a pending ACM SSL certificate.
I was wondering what I have to do to map my Route 53 domain to my load-balancer, so I don't have to use the extremely long domain name AWS provides as a default for the load-balancer.
Or maybe another way of putting it: how do I change the default domain name of my load-balancer to a Route 53 domain?
The Route53 record provides you the option to choose the target Load Balancer to get pointed to. To do so, once you enter in AWS Console:
Choose the corresponding Hosted Zone.
Mark the target Route53 record.
Edit record.
In the section Route traffic, we have to choose:
This is to do so manually, if you're seeking to do so via code, then you can check How can I create a Route 53 Record to an ALB? (AWS).