I'm developing tic-tac-toe game, and I need algorithm to check when game ends(and who win). In 3x3 game I would check each possible win-situation(there is 8 capabilities). But in 7x7(needed 4 signs in a row or collumn, or diagonal)is a lot of possible win patterns.
While a very basic approach is to look at runs in all the directions from every single cell, here are an approach then only ever checks a cell in a single "line" once. A "line" is a row, column, or diagonal that can possibly win, like in a Vegas slot machine :)
Important Edit: If the cell contains neither P1 or P2, reset counter to 0 (doh!). I omitted this trivial but required step. Otherwise "11-11" would be counted as a win.
The "lines" can be traversed given a starting point and row/column offset per iteration (e.g. start at (0,0) and advance (1,1) for longest diagonal from NW to SE). Diagonals with lengths less than 4 can avoid being checked entirely, of course.
Happy coding.