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Using ZXing in Xamarin for Android, how do I stop continuous scanning right after I get my result?

I'm using ZXing in an Android app being developed in Xamarin to scan a QR code and start playing the corresponding audio file automatically.

My problem is that when I get a result from scanning, it takes some time for the audio player activity to load so it gets called twice or more due to subsequent successful scannings.

Is there a way to stop continuous scanning as soon as I get a correct result?

Here's the code:

            //Start scanning
        scanner.ScanContinuously(opt, HandleScanResult);


    private void HandleScanResult(ZXing.Result result)
        string msg = "";

        if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Text))

            msg = result.Text;

            var playerActivity = new Intent(myContext, typeof(AudioActivity));

            // Prerequisite: load all tracks onto "Assets/tracks" folder
            // You can put here qr code - track assignments here below
            // msg: decoded qr code
            // playerActivity.Putextra second parameter is a relative path
            // under "Assets" directory

            //Iterate through tracks stored in assets and load their titles into an array
            System.String[] trackArray = Application.Context.Assets.List("tracks");

            bool trackFound = false;
            foreach (string track in trackArray)
                if (track.Equals(msg + ".mp3"))
                    playerActivity.PutExtra("Track", "tracks/" + msg + ".mp3");

                    for (int i = 0; i < PostList.postList.Count; i++)
                        if (PostList.postList.ElementAt(i).code.Equals(msg))
                            playerActivity.PutExtra("TrackTitle", PostList.postList.ElementAt(i).title);

                    trackFound = true;


Thank you!


  • Old question but i'll post it anyway for anyone still looking for this information. You need your scanner to be a class variable. This is my code:

    public MobileBarcodeScanner scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner();
    private void ArrivalsClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Arrivals.IsEnabled)
                    MobileBarcodeScanningOptions optionsCustom = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();
                    scanner.TopText = "Scan Barcode";
                    optionsCustom.DelayBetweenContinuousScans = 3000;
                    scanner.ScanContinuously(optionsCustom, ArrivalResult);
            catch (Exception)
        private async void ArrivalResult(ZXing.Result result)
            if (result != null && result.Text != "")
                // Making a call to a REST API
                if (resp.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    int? res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int>(resp.Content);
                    if (res == 0)
                        scanner.Cancel(); // <----- Stops scanner (Something went wrong)
                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                            await DisplayAlert("..", "..", "ΟΚ");
                        Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.ISimpleAudioPlayer player = Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current;
                        player.Play(); // Scan successful
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                        await DisplayAlert("..", "..", "ΟΚ");