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Anylogic: how to send order to specific agent?

I am rather new at Anylogic and I have these populations of agents:

  • Customer (parameters: name, latitude, longitude)
  • Terminal (parameters: name, latitude, longitude)
  • Order (parameters: Customer, Terminal)
  • Truck (statechart to first moveTo order.terminal and then to order.customer)

For every different terminal (I have 5) there is a different order rate per customer. So, I created (within Customer) five schedules for the rate of orders for every terminal. Now I want to create an event in Customer to create orders (one event per terminal). I have this now for the terminial with the name terminalA:

Order order = new Order(this,"terminalA"));
Truck truck = getNearestAgentByRoute(filter(main.trucks,
            v -> v.inState(Truck.Free)));
if (truck != null)          
    send(order, truck);

However, the part"terminalA") does not work, as it can not be resolved to a variable. How do I create an order per terminal and tell Anylogic what terminal (with what name) it should create orders for?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Kind regards, Ella


  • You don't need to use"terminalA"), just use terminalA if you have named that specific agent as terminalA; otherwise you need to access them by index, such as main.terminals(0). The parameter type inside the Order agent should be set to Terminal. For example, below I create an order agent with a lot of different parameters & variables, each with a custom type.

    enter image description here

    Edit. You also need to make sure that your agent list is not empty: enter image description here