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Cuda unified memory: Program gets different result when use pointer or non-pointer object as class member

Recently, I learnt how to code using the cuda unified memory. But what weird is that the kernel reports different result when I replace the pointer object by the non-pointer one.

Please refer to the Core.cuh and

The ClassManaged.h is base class for new and delete overload and CMakeList.txt for build the test case.

//ClassManaged.h   This file overloads the new and delete operator for children class

#ifndef __CLASS_MANAGED_H__
#define __CLASS_MANAGED_H__

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

class Managed
    void *operator new(size_t len)
        printf("-->Managed call!\n");

        void *ptr;
        cudaMallocManaged(&ptr, len);

        printf("  Address for Managed constructor: %p\n", ptr);

        return ptr;

    void operator delete(void *ptr)

    void* operator new[] (size_t len) 
        void *ptr;
        cudaMallocManaged(&ptr, len);
        return ptr;
    void operator delete[] (void* ptr) 
//Core.cuh    where the bug appears
#ifndef __CORE_CUH__
#define __CORE_CUH__

#include "ClassManaged.h"
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include <string>
#include "stdio.h"

class Box : public Managed{
    int a;
    int b;

class Core : public Managed{
        __host__ __device__     Core(int cnumin)
            c_num = cnumin;
        __host__ __device__     ~Core() 
        void    initialize()
            cudaMallocManaged((void**)&datan,             offset*c_num*sizeof(int));
            //cudaMallocManaged((void**)&box,             sizeof(Box));    // Test case 1 pointer object
            //box = new Box();                                                          // Test case 1 pointer object

        //Box*  box;       //  Test Case 1:  pointer object (Everything is ok!)
        Box  box;          //  Test Case 2:  non-pointer object (with BUG)    
        int*     datan;            

        int             m_id = 0;            
        int             c_num;     
        int             support_num = 0;      
        const int       offset = 12;      
        float           delta = 1.2;     


// A minimal version for kernel

__global__ void WorkFlow_kernel_forcore(Core* core)
    volatile int coreno = blockIdx.x;
    if(threadIdx.x == 0) 
        printf("\n--->Kernel data!\n");
        printf("  Core address in kernel: %p\n", core);
        printf("  Box address in kernel: %p\n", &(core->box));
        //printf("  Box address in kernel: %p\n", core->box);
        printf("\n  Addr m_id: %p\n", &(core->m_id));               
        printf("  Addr c_num: %p\n", &(core->c_num));             
        printf("  Addr support_num: %p\n", &(core->support_num)); 
        printf("  Addr Offset: %p\n", &(core->offset));           
        printf("  Addr Delta: %p\n", &(core->delta));             

        printf("\n  Val m_id: %d\n", core->m_id);               
        printf("  Val c_num: %d\n", core->c_num);             
        printf("  Val support_num: %d\n", core->support_num); 
        printf("  Val Offset: %d\n", core->offset);           
        printf("  Val Delta: %.5f\n", core->delta);    

    // The kernel outputs the wrong result for non-pointer Core::box.

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "Core.cuh"

int main()
    // 1 Only Core involved
    // This is a minimal version suggested by Sebastian (only Core and kernel existed here)

    Core* core = new Core(20);   // Here, the Core still inherits from Managed. Because it seems more convenient to execute constructor on device with help of new and delete overload.  

    printf("  Double check core address: %p\n", core);
    printf("  Double check box address: %p\n", &(core->box));
    //printf("  Double check box address: %p\n", core->box);
    printf("\n  Double check Addr m_id: %p\n", &(core->m_id));               
    printf("  Double check Addr c_num: %p\n", &(core->c_num));             
    printf("  Double check Addr support_num: %p\n", &(core->support_num)); 
    printf("  Double check Addr Offset: %p\n", &(core->offset));           
    printf("  Double check Addr Delta: %p\n", &(core->delta));

    WorkFlow_kernel_forcore<<<1,1>>>(core);  // The output is the wrong result when non-pointer Core::box defined!

    delete core;

    // ----------------------------------Wrong result address output
    // -->Managed call!
    //     Address for Managed constructor: 0000000A00000000
    //     Double check core address: 0000000A00000000
    //     Double check box address: 0000000000000000

    //     Double check Addr m_id: 0000000A00000010
    //     Double check Addr c_num: 0000000A00000014
    //     Double check Addr support_num: 0000000A00000018
    //     Double check Addr Offset: 0000000A0000001C
    //     Double check Addr Delta: 0000000A00000020

    // --->Kernel data!
    //     Core address in kernel: 0000000A00000000
    //     Box address in kernel: 0000000A00000004

    //     Addr m_id: 0000000A00000018
    //     Addr c_num: 0000000A0000001C
    //     Addr support_num: 0000000A00000020
    //     Addr Offset: 0000000A00000024
    //     Addr Delta: 0000000A00000028

    //     Val m_id: 0
    //     Val c_num: 12
    //     Val support_num: 1067030938
    //     Val Offset: 0
    //     Val Delta: 0.00000

    // ----------------------------------Correct result address output
    // -->Managed call!
    //     Address for Managed constructor: 0000000A00000000
    // -->Managed call!
    //     Address for Managed constructor: 0000000A00030000

    //     Double check core address: 0000000A00000000
    //     Double check box address: 0000000A00030000

    //     Double check Addr m_id: 0000000A00000010
    //     Double check Addr c_num: 0000000A00000014
    //     Double check Addr support_num: 0000000A00000018
    //     Double check Addr Offset: 0000000A0000001C
    //     Double check Addr Delta: 0000000A00000020

    // --->Kernel data!
    //     Core address in kernel: 0000000A00000000
    //     Box address in kernel: 0000000A00030000

    //     Addr m_id: 0000000A00000010
    //     Addr c_num: 0000000A00000014
    //     Addr support_num: 0000000A00000018
    //     Addr Offset: 0000000A0000001C
    //     Addr Delta: 0000000A00000020

    //     Val m_id: 0
    //     Val c_num: 20
    //     Val support_num: 0
    //     Val Offset: 12
    //     Val Delta: 1.20000

    // 2 This version replace the unified memory of core by cudaMalloc and cudaMemcpy. 
    // NOTE: Before run the test 2, please comment the (cancel the inheritance from Managed)
    // class Core /*: public Managed*/ {

    //Core* host_core = new Core(20);
    //Core* device_core;

    //cudaMalloc(&device_core, sizeof(Core));
    //cudaMemcpy(device_core, host_core, sizeof(Core), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    // !!!---> This kernel output the correct information: 0, 20, 0, 12, 1.2

    //delete host_core;
    return 0;
project (gputask CXX CUDA)

if (MSVC)
endif (MSVC)

  set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gputask" CACHE PATH "This is default path" FORCE)


option(ENABLE_EMBED_CUDA "Enable embedding of the CUDA libraries into lib" OFF)

set(GPUTASK_NVCC_ARCHS ${GPUTASK_NVCC_ARCHS_DEFAULT} CACHE STRING "The SM architectures to build code for.")

set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=code_is_unreachable")

  message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified.")
  set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE)
  set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release"
    "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo")


    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-deprecated-declarations -DMPM_CODE")
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas")

set(CUDA_ARCH_LIST 70 75 CACHE STRING "List of target sm_ architectures to compile CUDA code for. Separate with semicolons.")

foreach(_cuda_arch ${CUDA_ARCH_LIST})
    set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -gencode=arch=compute_${_cuda_arch},code=sm_${_cuda_arch}")
endforeach (_cuda_arch)

    get_filename_component(_cuda_libdir ${CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY} PATH)
    FILE(GLOB _cuda_libs ${_cuda_libdir}/libcurand.* ${_cuda_libdir}/libcufft.* ${_cuda_libdir}/libcusolver.* ${_cuda_libdir}/libcusparse.*)
    install(PROGRAMS ${_cuda_libs} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib)
endif ()




exec_program("date +%x" OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMPILE_DATE)






Kernel prints different information for class Core between the non-pointer or pointer see the printf code block.

Platform information:

OS: Win 10

Cuda: 11.1.74 ship with RTX 2060

Win SDK 10.0.18362.0

MSVC 19.28.29334.0

Visual Studio 16 2019

In brief, it seems that the wrong output in test1 of results from the class Core : public Managed (overload unified memory new and delete).

The new revised code print the address for address of all the members of Core at the stage of cudaMallocManaged and kernel.

It is clear that the address of box differs in BUG version while kernel is called (say box address jumps from 0 to 4).

There is no such thing in the correct version. It may be deduced that the box address flows from somewhere to somewhere?

Does it mean that memory out of range or leak? (I guess but not sure about it).


Thanks to Robert, I find the reason of this bug. Please refer to NVIDIA DOC.

The CUDA compiler follows the IA64 ABI for class layout, while the Microsoft host compiler does not. Let T denote a pointer to member type, or a class type that satisfies any of the following conditions:

T has virtual functions.

T has a virtual base class.

T has multiple inheritance with more than one direct or indirect empty base class.

All direct and indirect base classes B of T are empty and the type of the first field F of T uses B in its definition, such that B is laid out at offset 0 in the definition of F.

Since both box and Core are children of Managed, if we place the box at the first order, the code matches the fourth case,All direct and indirect base classes B of T are empty...

And undefined behaviour on Win OS can appear due to the IA64 ABI for cuda compared to x64 ABI (Win host).

I greatly appreciate your suggestions! Thank you very much!


  • Question shows that when Core is as created by cudaMallocManaged, bug appears. However, for Core created by cudaMalloc and cudaMemcpy, the kernel gives the correct answer.

    This bug relates to CUDA DOC.

    In detail, the CUDA DOC denotes that:

    The CUDA compiler follows the IA64 ABI for class layout, while the Microsoft host compiler does not. Let T denote a pointer to member type, or a class type that satisfies any of the following conditions:

    T has virtual functions.

    T has a virtual base class.

    T has multiple inheritance with more than one direct or indirect empty base class.

    All direct and indirect base classes B of T are empty and the type of the first field F of T uses B in its definition, such that B is laid out at offset 0 in the definition of F.

    Let C denote T or a class type that has T as a field type or as a base class type. The CUDA compiler may compute the class layout and size differently than the Microsoft host compiler for the type C. As long as the type C is used exclusively in host or device code, the program should work correctly.

    Passing an object of type C between host and device code has undefined behavior e.g., as an argument to a global function or through cudaMemcpy*() calls.

    Since both of Box and Core are children of Managed (empty class overloading new and delete operator).

    If we place the box (non-pointer object) at the first field of Core, we meets the fourth case All direct and indirect base classes B of T are empty and the type of the first field F of T uses B in its definition.

    Due to the different ABI between Windows host (x64) and CUDA device (IA64), the undefined behaviour of kernel appears as result.

    -------------> Personal analysis

    The CUDA DOC also denotes that the undefined behaviour of kernel can be associated with class which is created on host but run on device and vice versa.

    In other words, Core created using cudaMalloc may avoid the bug by a consistent creation and run environment (both host or both device).

    The same thing for the box as pointer object, because it eliminates the bug by avoiding the fourth case (children class of a empty base class locates at the first field).