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Forwarding references: reference parameter origin

The whole premise about forwarding references (aka universal references) is, that this function:

template<typename T>
void f(T&&) { }

can result in the template parameter either being int& or int, depending if you call it with int a{}; f(a) or f(5) as example. But this is already a step too far I think. Because when I have a function like

template<typename T>
auto g(T) -> void {}

Then it always resolves the template parameter to int, regardless of the way I call it. And that although a auto h(int&) -> void {} is perfectly legal.

So what what rules are in place that allow the template parameter of f to be a reference, but not that of g?


  • There is a specific exception in the template argument deduction rules for the case that a function parameter has the form T&& (cv-unqualified) where T is a template parameter. This special case is as seen in the question known as a forwarding reference.

    For forwarding references, if the function argument is an lvalue, then an lvalue reference is deduced for T where usually no reference type would be deduced.

    You can see that this really is a special rule just for this case by trying to use e.g. const T&& instead of T&&, for which the special rule does not apply. It will deduce a non-reference type for T in any case, although the function call may then not be possible.