I am using a valueFormatter for my date columns in ag-grid (react) that looks like this:
columnTypes: {
"dateColumn": {
filter: 'agDateColumnFilter',
enableRowGroup: true,
valueFormatter: Blotter.formatDate,
enablePivot: true,
enableValue: true
where Blotter.formatDate is a simple formatter that outputs the date in the user's preferred format. However, a common requirement in my application is to build pivot tables using a date series so the date column ends up in the "Column Labels" section of the pivot definitions. When I do this, the date column header shows the full, unformatted date and is also not sorted in any particular order. How can I make it so that the column label formats the dates in a reasonable way and have them sorted incrementing from left to right?
The dates across the top are from the "Position Date" column, which renders like this when pivot is not turned on:
Thankyou, Troy
From the link:
// This is a callback that gets called on each column definition
processSecondaryColDef: function (colDef) {
colDef.headerName = colDef.headerName.toUpperCase();
processSecondaryColGroupDef: function (colGroupDef) {
if (colGroupDef.pivotKeys[0] === '2002') {
colGroupDef.headerClass = 'color-background';
colGroupDef.headerName = 'Year ' + colGroupDef.headerName;