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Mapping dynamic odata routes with ASP.NET Core OData 8.0

I've got an application where the EDM datatypes are generated during the runtime of the application (they can even change during runtime). Based loosely on OData DynamicEDMModelCreation Sample - refactored to use the new endpoint routing. There the EDM model is dynamically generated at runtime and all requests are forwarded to the same controller.

Now I wanted to update to the newest ASP.NET Core OData 8.0 and the whole routing changed so that the current workaround does not work anymore.

I've read the two blog posts of the update Blog1Blog2 and it seems that I can't use the "old" workaround anymore as the function MapODataRoute() within the endpoints is now gone. It also seems that none of the built-in routing convention work for my use-case as all require the EDM model to be present at debug time.

Maybe I can use a custom IODataControllerActionConvention. I tried to active the convention by adding it to the Routing Convention but it seems I'm still missing a piece how to activate it.

    ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IODataControllerActionConvention, MyEntitySetRoutingConvention>());

Does this approach even work? Is it even possible to activate a dynamic model in the new odata preview? or does anybody has a slight idea how to approach a dynamic routing for the new odata 8.0?


  • There is an example for dynamic routing and dynamic model here: See MyODataRoutingApplicationModelProvider and MyODataRoutingMatcherPolicy which will pass a custom IEdmModel to the controller.

    The HandleAllController can handle different types and edm models in a dynamic way.