I am trying to do the full join for the data below in two different sheets.
Sheet 9:
Product ID | Name | Quantity |
1 | addi | 55 |
2 | fadi | 66 |
3 | sadi | 33 |
Product ID | Variants | Model |
1 | xyz | 2000 |
2 | differ | 2001 |
3 | saddd | 336 |
4 | fsdfe | 2005 |
Desired output sheet :
Product ID | Name | Quantity | Variants | Model |
1 | addi | 55 | xyz | 2000 |
2 | fadi | 66 | differ | 2001 |
3 | sadi | 33 | saddd | 336 |
4 | fsdfe | 2005 |
Please also share if we have more columns to join like in sheet 1 and sheet 2 has two more columns like Year, product label etc then what should I change in your proposed solution
I am using this formula but its not returning the desired result
=ARRAYFORMULA({QUERY(SORT(UNIQUE({Sheet9!A1:D; Sheet10!A1:D})), "where Col1 is not null"),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(SORT(UNIQUE({Sheet9!A1:D; Sheet10!A1:D})), "where Col1 is not null")),,999^99)), TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(Sheet9!A1:D),,999^99)), Sheet9!C1:C}, 2, 0),""),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(SORT(UNIQUE({Sheet9!A1:D; Sheet10!A1:D})), "where Col1 is not null")),,999^99)), {TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(Sheet10!A1:D),,999^99)), Sheet10!C1:C}, 2, 0),"")}})
EDITED to consider dynamic row matching.
See this spreadsheet to illustration, but overall there's a question of your setup, but I would break your problem into two steps.
Get distinct list of ID's
You can get that with this formula:
Rest of Headers
Then for each header, will they each always only be in 1 exclusively or 2 (not both)? Assuming so, this should work for each additional column. If two values ever exist in the two sheets, will join them in the same column.
There's probably a way to use the join function to do this more elegantly (if someone posts an answer showing me I'll upvote).