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Decode html string from json

How can i decode this string

"<div id=\"readability-page-1\" class=\"page\">test<div>"

I receive this object from an api and i want to decode it into a struct:

    "id": 5,
    "title": "iOS and iPadOS 14: The MacStories Review",
    "content": "<div id=\"readability-page-1\" class=\"page\">test<div>"
struct ArticleModel: Codable, Identifiable {
    let id: Int
    let title: String
    let content: String

However this throws the error

debugDescription : "The given data was not valid JSON."
    ▿ underlyingError : Optional<Error>
      - some : Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Badly formed object around line 45, column 25." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Badly formed object around line 45, column 25., NSJSONSerializationErrorIndex=1437}

How can i escape the special characters " ?

I want to display the string in a view as an attributed string.

Testing via playground

import UIKit

let json = """
    "id": 5,
    "title": "iOS and iPadOS 14: The MacStories Review",
    "content": "<div id=\"readability-page-1\" class=\"page\">test<div>"


struct ArticleModel: Codable, Identifiable {
    let id: Int
    let title: String
    let content: String

let jsonData = .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let article = try decoder.decode(ArticleModel.self, from: jsonData)


  • The JSON seems incorrect. There seems to be a missing " at the end of the value of "content":.


    After your update, I took another look. You need to escape double quotes in a string. Weirdly enough, in this case (when the JSON is in a multi-line string), you need to escape the escaping character as well (i.e. \\) to decode the JSON properly and get a string you can work with.


    import UIKit
    let json = """
        "id": 5,
        "title": "iOS and iPadOS 14: The MacStories Review",
        "content": "<div id=\\"readability-page-1\\" class=\\"page\\">test<div>"
    struct ArticleModel: Codable, Identifiable {
        let id: Int
        let title: String
        let content: String
    let jsonData = .utf8)!
    let article = try JSONDecoder().decode(ArticleModel.self, from: jsonData)
    print(article) // ArticleModel(id: 5, title: "iOS and iPadOS 14: The MacStories Review", content: "<div id=\"readability-page-1\" class=\"page\">test<div>")

    By the way, is a great tool to get decoders (and encoders) for your JSON.